Kvalita nemusí být vždy drahá

Swift ve světě

 Austrálie (GMT +10HRs)

Alan Haynes
Swift Racing Shells Australia
16 Tarlington Place, Smithfield, Sydney, NSW, 2164, AUSTRALIA
Tel: +61 2 9604 9080   Fax: +61 2 9604 9093
Mobile: +61 4 1837 0875 (Alan)   Website: www.swiftaustralia.com




Bělorusko (GMT +2HRs)

Alexander Mironenko
808, 44 Kropotkina str., Minsk, Belarus, 220002
Tel: +375 172 860 247   Fax: +375 172 860 247   Mobile: +375 296 115 999
Website: www.swift.rowing.by






Čína (GMT+8HRs)

Tim Yang (Yang Quan)
Swift International Limited.  #105, 22 Tianyuan Road, Fuchun District, Fuyang City, Zhejiang Province, 311400 China Direct
Tel: +86 571 6316 8100  Mobile: +86 138 6819 1090
Main Office Tel/Fax: +86 571 6316 8002 
Web: www.swiftinternational.biz







Česká republika, Slovensko, Rakousko (GMT +1HR)

Josef Johánek
JVL PROSPORT s.r.o., Dobříč 9, 252 25 Jinočany, CZECH REPUBLIC
Tel: +420 257 960 126  Fax: +420 257 960 169  
Mobile: +420 774 295 692  
Web: www.jvl.cz



Francie, Alžírsko(GMT+1HR)
Emmanuel BESSON, Jean Marie BUREAU
Tel: +33 (4) 90 33 90 72   Fax: +33 (4) 90 33 90 78
Mobile: +33 (6) 03 89 90 66 (Emmanuel), +33 (6) 80 74 54 15 (Jean Marie)
Web: www.swiftfrance.fr,   www.eurodiffusions.com



Německo(GMT +1HR)

Peter Klomp
Swift Sport, Oegstgeeststraat 83, 5045TZ, Tilburg, NETHERLANDS
Tel: 0031-13-5720850   Mobile: 0031-6-14167014  
Website: www.swift-sport.de



Maďarsko(GMT +1HR)

Gal Sandor
1092 Budapest, Erkel u. 6.
Tel/Fax: 00 36 1 216 1435  Mobil: 00 36 209 348 330




Japonsko (GMT +8HRs)
Yoshiyuki Tozuka
J2 Ltd., Honcho 5-4-26, Toda-shi, Saitama-ken, 335-0023, JAPAN
Tel: +81 (0)48 446 1322   Fax: +81 (0)48 446 1306  
Web: www.rowingcenter.com



Nizozemsko (GMT + 1HR)

Peter Klomp
Waterline Equipment, Oegstgeeststraat 83, 5045TZ, Tilburg, NETHERLANDS
Tel: 0031-13-5720850 Mobile: 0031-6-14167014 Website: www.waterline.nl



Polsko (GMT + 1HR)
Jan Peche
ul. Nowowiejska 4 m47 00649, Warszawa, Polska  
Web: www.croker.pl



Portugalsko (GMT + 1HR)

Luís Maricato
Caminhos d'água - Lazer Activo, Lda,Rua D. Afonso II, lote 4, 3030-396 Coimbra, Portugal
Tel1: +351 96 9049470, Tel2: +351 91 6333226, Fax: +351 239 718192



Jižní Afrika (GMT +1HR)

Robert Vanlierde
1 Eugene Marais Ave, Constantia 7806 Cape Town, South Africa. 7806
Tel: 27 21 5322156, Fax: 27 21 5323876 Cell: 27 82 4258369



Španělsko (GMT +1HR)

Josep Ventosa and Jaime Ros
VRsport scp, C/ Buenos Aires 3, 08340 Vilassar de Mar, SPAIN
Tel: Josep: +34 677570008  Tel: Jamie: +34 620951587



Velká Británie a Irsko (GMT +0HR)

Blair Clow
Rowing Center (UK) Limited
Unit 1, Hill Farm, Byslips Road, Studham, Dunstable, Beds., LU6 2ND, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1582-872-338   Fax: +44 (0)1582-872-338  
Mobile: +44 (0)7785 935 593 (Blair)  Web: www.rowingcenter.com



USA & Kanada (GMT-4HRs)
(rowing and kayaks)
Gareth Gruenbaum
Rowing Center USA LLC
Avalon on the Sound, Suite 409, 255 Huguenot Street, New Rochelle, NY 10801, USA
Tel:914 740 5055   Fax: 775 371 1018  
Web: www.rowingcenterusa.com













JVL PROSPORT s.r.o. Dobříč 9
252 25 Jinočany
Česká republika
tel. : +420 774 295 692